Friday, February 08, 2008

Millary's Campaign No. 1: Voodoolady secondment

As President Don Frau Overlord Milan, I promise to campaign to get Voodoolady to become a fully fledged member of our community. She's been lurking in the sidelines for far too long and needs to share her soul with us all. I'm sure with the heavy weight persuassion of a world leader and cyber benevolent dictatress, she cannot but succumb to our collective charms.

Voodoolady - you know you want to.


  1. I've tried to convince her before Milan....she just won't do it!

  2. Ah lads, way to put a girl under pressure. I had a blog a few years ago but as a bit of a self loather I eventually deleted thinking it was useless. However, I cave easily under pressure so....go on. Just don't expect too much, leads to disappointment I find.

  3. Cheery, voodoolady. Have you seen the shite we blog about sometimes?

  4. Perhaps Milan can give you Voodoolady... But only I can deliver Aileen.

  5. Oh, and only I can press the button to send the mail to make Voodoolady an actual LBP. Like I just did. Right now.

    Milan? Over-rated tourist destination.

  6. VL - fair play. I'm delighted you're joining the fold.

    HO - I should be offended but I can't stop laughing. That other Milan - which places a greater emphasis on the second vowel, unlike mine - is indeed not the best of destinations. Naturally I have a few anecdotes of eccentricity and accident from there but I'll leave that for another day.

  7. Oh, not Milan? - so is it like Milan Kundera? Or something else altogether?

    I'm intrigued! MAybe I'd better go gain some mistique... yes, I'm definitely lacking in mostique these days. Once upon a time I was Justjo, she was great, but now I'm encumbered. And there's too many Jo s on the internet who got there first these days...

  8. Exactly like Milan Kundera, and Adenauer like the German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, not to give away origins or anything.

    JM - see you also have JM, which is more than Jo.

