Friday, April 18, 2008

So what have I really been doing.

So SL thinks the blog is dieing, I beg to differ, yes there is a lull but I know we will all bounce back again.

Why have I been so quiet well for numerous reasons, firstly I wanted to give my personal blog a new look for its third birthday and that has taken up nearly 2 weeks of coding to get right, for some fucked up reason I always end up making life harder for myself, I think its the techy geek in me wanting to constantly learn new tricks. Finally yesterday I launched the new improved look and I have to say I am really happy with version7 now.

I have also been mental in work but not in a busy no time for anything way, oh god no, but in a messy client wants everything now kinda way. Email will be the death of many people I feel in years to come, why folk cant pick up a phone and ring you if they need something urgently is beyond me!

Home life is also a bit stupid at the moment since Shan Jr. Myself and the missus are been slowly pushed out of our own house with all her toys clothes etc etc, so an extension is planned and hopefully over the weekend we will assign the job to one of the 8 builders we had out. Then the mayhem shall start a 12 foot by 13 foot sunroom been built over 6-8 weeks what fun!

Lastly and the main reason for not been so active is I have been trying to find a way to get one of those filthy badges (I honestly thought my kebab story was good enough abrakebabra kebabs really are filthy) but alas no, but I have a planonly problem is I have been scared to implement it. I feel people will get offended although I may be wrong. I shall put it in place soon.

Anyhow thats been my life for the past few weeks, now fuck off and leave me alone!


  1. Come on Shan.....I'm waiting, you don't get anything for teasing!

  2. Shan, my appetite for you blogging here is never fulfilled.

  3. Took me a while to figure out what planonly is btw. Thought it might be some techy or filthy word that I hadn't heard before.

  4. lmao @milan yep planonly, a word hope to see used more often here on the blog.

    Midge just trying to get the right material for the post.

  5. Does that mean you're out having erotic adventures while Mrs Shan wrangles with the builders? Or are you watching Mrs Shan wrangling with the builders...

    I hope this is not a joke too far, I don't know any more these days...

    In all seriousness, god help you with your extension. It won't be 6-8 weeks, you know.

  6. Does that mean you're out having erotic adventures while Mrs Shan wrangles with the builders? Or are you watching Mrs Shan wrangling with the builders...

    I hope this is not a joke too far, I don't know any more these days...

    In all seriousness, god help you with your extension. It won't be 6-8 weeks, you know.

  7. Jo, nothing is too far. Your Overlord demands it!Shan, more on this planonly problem. Can you get cream for it?

  8. Oh yeah you all laugh at the planonly thing, I laugh at your ignorance Planonly is a command used in mysql databases, ie SET PLANONLY -- toggle display of query plan without executing. How I laugh at all of your ignorance, mwhahahaha

