Friday, July 04, 2008


Did you ever feel you were destined to do something? Like there is a part of you lying in wait for the right moment, the pivotal point in time where everything centres on you doing something, whether it is small or significant?

Did you ever feel that you had an underlying purpose that everything else in your life was leading to? The day jobs, the gigs you attend, the TV shows, the walks through the Green, the partners, the cat, the three piece suite, the train journeys and the endless lists of books that you'll one day get around to perusing – all of this, just background noise in a life that was meant for a single truly important purpose?

Did you ever consider that you were placed on this earth just so you could perform one vital function and all the rest of your life was simply a conglomeration of orchestrated events to bring you to one place, to one time, to one moment when you would do the one thing that your life had always been careening towards?

Did you ever think that nothing else around you seemed truly relevant? Did you ever look at the people around you, the jobs you've had and the careers you've contemplated, the things you've bought and the gadgets and paraphernalia you've coveted and think, none of this is meaningful – I'm meant for more, I'm meant for better, I'm meant for something different?
No, me neither.


  1. I was getting a little worried for a moment that there might be some hidden depth under the curly mop. Phew!

  2. Dear Diary: 2.16 pm. Boyfriend not Christ. Relieved!

  3. hey, how do you become a contributor to this blog??; i'd love to add to the madness and pointlessness of it all...

  4. You just have Pauric, comments are the best part of this blog, this is what makes this blog work and where we thrive.

    Otherwise you need to ask Someone Living, so a nice comment here asking him for forgiveness of all sins and a sign of loyalty to all thing Lima Bean, and allegiance to the blog, may well do it for you!

    I would think though comment as much as you can here, make us laugh, show us your skills, in the case of the women here show them something physical like Daz and his curly permed girlie hair, seems to drive the women mad here, but honestly parttake in the comments for a while and then who knows! its how we got Voodoolady, Daz, and Ails.

  5. Pauric - you're officially on trial.

  6. A Chara Darren

    another genius post - God almighty i read the enire thing. Put a lot of things in context and a geat answer for anyone who says to me - why did you do that!

    slán go foil

  7. You know what's scary? I've been looking around for a post to read that made me think, that I could identify with and that stood out from the utter blandness that I seem to be reading in blogs recently.

    And this one had to be it.

    Damn you Byrne, damn you to blazes.

