Monday, July 20, 2009

A proposal.

Myself and a good friend @anjeebaby have been discussing an idea which I hope people may embrace.

What started off as a small visit to London in October has become what I can only call the "Across the water tweetup". After a lengthy discussion of 3 or 4 tweets to each other we decided that it might be a great idea to try and organise an event in London where Irish tweeters and UK tweeters can finally meet each other face to face.

Personally looking at the Irish people I follow and I know Anjee is the same it seems we know a lot of folk from across the water in both directions. I think it would be a great bit of fun.

What we are proposing is a Saturday night in London, obviously for any Irish travelling we should make a weekend of it, possibly by having a photowalk or something even on one of the days. If the uptake on this is good well then the "Across the water tweetup" can move to Ireland the next time and so on.

So what do you think? depending on the interest shown we will look into organising a hotel to have the meetup happen in, and check out prices for accomodation etc.

Tweet about it, link to it do what ever is necessary to get the message out to people.

more information can be found at the across the water webpage and you can follow updates about the event on twitter

As I say its an idea that I truly believe can run, please let me know via the comments what you think!


  1. I think this is a great idea, lots of UK and Irish connections on twitter and love the idea of a photowalk in London while the group is there, @snaphappyrobot

  2. Oh my! all of you in one place at the same time, heaven help London ! Sounds like it will a lot of fun. Those of us faraway expect to see a whole bunch of photos and posts afterwards.

