Saturday, April 19, 2008

Speaking of getting shafted ...

Our back boiler failed us about 4 years ago, so the guy replaced it charging us 2,400 euros.

For a few days the pilot lite has been cutting out. We call a local gas retailer up the road and the guy comes---to tell us the unit we've got is at least 10 years old, the valve is on its way out, and it's iffy whether he'll be able to get one or not.

And if he can't, we'll have to look at replacing the whole thing.

Is there an equivalent to a "consumer protection bureau" here in Ireland where we could talk to them about filing a complaint if I can find the receipt for this supposedly "new" replacement back boiler he sold us?

So I tried calling the people who came a year ago when the pilot light was failing, and the prick hung up on me twice. Then answered on the third call, and said, "Well the call-out fee is 160 euros plus VAT." I said, "You doubled your fee in one year?!" He replied, "Yeah, well, then bye."



End result: the whole damn thing is being replaced on Monday, the radiators are being properly cleaned, all the rest. Gotta stay on the positive...


  1. The National Consumer Agency should be able to help. I've emailed them on stuff before and they get back fairly promptly.

    I hate that, feeling like you've been fleeced. Then you'd wonder whether the second bloke was lying. It's hard to know.

  2. Ach, it makes me sick. I definitely thing you should be able to get some redress from that.

  3. I've had very similar experience, particularly the attitude part, with plumbers. I sympathise.

  4. The NCA, definitely Atreus. Sounds like standard practise for Irish tradespeople. I wonder if this will continue into the recession?

  5. A few years ago there was no way you could get a plasterer, now they are begging for work.
    You must complain

  6. Come here, follow the guy home, shite in a brown bag, put petrol on it, fuck it in his letter box followed by a match.

    You're boiler might be knackered but you'll feel better.

    I love Karma

