Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Some things never change but how I hope they would.....

There’s an affliction those of born on the Emerald Isle have to carry. A genetic manifestation if you will of the woes that befell generation after generation of those that went before us. I like to call it the Liveline Syndrome – the notion that whatever happens, regardless of how positive or expected it is we need to have something about it to have a good aul bitch about. Take the latest case in point, a now annual source of self-inflicted depression - the state of the weather! A topic you will hear being debated and questioned with a passion the like of which hasn’t been seen since Kate Moss made a beeline for Jeremy Clarkson slightly confused about the exact nature of Top Gear he does.

You’d swear we’d lived the past 20 years in a subtropical equatorial climate providing an inch of rain on the first Tuesday of the month during which the children of the shanty are sent out with buckets and thimbles with which to battle each other for family supplies to tie them over until the heavens again poured down their cool wet spendor. We don’t, we live in fucking Ireland, the wettest most depressingly miserable country known to meteorologists, even the CIA have taken the time to send agents with ear pieces over to find out that it’s shit. Just as shit as it’s been for the past God knows how long! The good summers were the exception not the rule people!! Roll on the week the school kids go back for the warm spell it always brings. We’ll all walk around bright red, sweating and cursing Dr Aidan Nulty, Irish women will strip off like they always do and we’ll all think the planets have realigned….


  1. We all are gonna mutate anyway, webbed feet gills, It'll be really useful when the sea levels rise and we are under 10ft of seawater!

  2. you can get the ATeam Box sets on

  3. But they're very expensive and I'm tight! I think if I had an adopted mother that she should buy them....

  4. TG - I have 2 observations to make on my ancestry, A - we must be borne of moderate inteligence & strong physicality - i.e. not clever enough to have left since the famine but strong enough to survive the hardship of last 200 yrs. B - I often wondered of the lunacy of my ancestors who first came here with the shite weather and NFFHH (not fit for human habitation) but I was given solace recently when someone pointed out that our climate have been much nicer when we first arrived way back when & that they had already settled before the rains came.

  5. And there were lots of lovely trees then too, it was much more senic, tourist board would love it1

  6. But Tiberius there is the regular Irish Summer we all bitch about and there's the last few weeks. At this stage we're just concerned about the possibility of having to rename the country Atlantis.

