Monday, September 03, 2007

The explaination for the 10 pictures...

I said I would let you know all about those 10 images I put up and I can finally explain it with a link.

I was asked by Mr Irishblogging Damien Mulley to take part in a guest writer thing on his site, he asked a few other photobloggers to do the same, and their posts are well worth a read. Well today its my turn and many thanks for making my choices a bit easier for me.

My guest post can be found here.


  1. Congrats on your guest post, you're so worthy! They're grogeous photos, my favourites were there anyway!

  2. well done! Love the photos, and the little stories make them even more interesting!

  3. Thanks again guys for your help in deciding which ones. I had a feeling it may be those 3 but I wanted to be reassured.

  4. Well done to Damien for using his huge shop window to promote other bloggers although he's been doing that forever. Great to see how they came about too, Shan.

