Thursday, September 27, 2007

Kick To Touch

In a conversation today about delaying a meeting, a friend convinced me to postpone it by saying, "Atreus, I think we should just kick to touch, let it wait til next week. It can wait...kick to touch for now."

A former rugby player, he used a phrase common to many but brand new to me.


  1. I've only ever heard it related to rugby. However, over 15 years ago a Northern rugby man used to slag me over my flirting saying that I would get the try but not convert.

  2. But would you release the ball in the tackle??

  3. Oops, think I may have posted a blank comment in error - apologies! Just going to say that having been reared by a former Rubgy player, I am fairly familiar with this saying alright!

  4. I would gladly like to stick a poker in the eye of the next person who says "going forward"

  5. But going forward, these things are important.

