Friday, October 12, 2007

I'm a sad music person...if only it paid!

Hey, we all know this song, we all get a warm feeling in our tummy when we hear it, but listen to me, and really listen to it, please. Let this be our Heyday! We are all amazing, fuck our nine to five, our all encompassing jobs, our difficult family situations, we are wonderful, the world is at our whim!

We have our bodies, our health, our minds! Embrace it! Love it!

Remember when a song made us feel, and feel.


  1. Anyone who has no idea who Mic Cristopher is should google him, I'm a believer that when your time is up, your time is up and Mic is an example of a man who knew he was living on borrowed time and made the most of it, lets have a day when we get up off our rapidly expanding butts and live, do that thing you want to do, ask her to marry you, see if he still smells like ice cream, hug your babies and tell them they can eat cookies ( dairy free) forever if that's what wil make them, with no but what if? or I can't commit to that right now....fucking live, live like this is it, tomorrow might not come you know.........

  2. I hear you...

    I love this song - in fact one of my favourite moments in my life was while on a bus into town. A bunch of lads got on the bus...

    You always have one of those moments - and you put your head down...

    Turns out they were in great form - and heading out for the night...

    Somehow, for some reason, one of them started singing "Heyday" and they all joined in, every one of them...

    Amazing... still get shivers...

    I think it's extraordinary how this song stands and how it keeps Mic Cristopher in a unique place... Alive in our minds...

    Thanks MW


  3. God, I really was channelling some kind of wonderful last night wasn't I? I wish I could keep that momentum and live by it. That's a lovely story Conformist, I can imagine how bizarre but beautiful it must have been.

  4. I know life doesn't let me always be in heyday land but I do love those moments too.

