Saturday, December 15, 2007


I grew up in what could be termed a big house. My bedroom had two windows in a rounded wall, and one faced the sunset - over the courtyard you could see a green hill, with little twisted, Alison Uttley type hawthorn trees, and these would go black against the sky as it turned from pink and orange to indigo blue. It was a beautiful sight, with eerie undertones, somehow. I, being the fanciful young person I was, always got that medieval, Celtic, solstice-y feeling around that time of day. Like that was when we owned the world les than we thought.

I miss living surrounded by scenery like I did then - I haven't really done any art since... it's much easier to be creative when you're surrounded by space, light and beauty, I've found. Where I live now, there's only a view if you stand on the bath and look out the skylight - I didn't realise that til my very tall cousin mentioned it! however, I was at a party up on the rocky Valley drive last night, which is where I really want to live - but walking back down the drive to the car was Very Dark and steep, in my heels, and of course, all I could think about was were-wolves...
But driving home from Ashford today, the light was that strange, fooggy, yellowy winter light, very atmospheric. Turning off for Bray at the kilmac turn-off, looking at the trees, I got that medieval, other-worldly feeling agian, like I might have been at the foot of a mountain castle. It made me think of the line, 'in the bleak midwinter', from the carol - it was a bleak but beautiful light. I can see why Polka's thinking about fog.


  1. That must have been an amazing place to grow up! Wonder did that have anything to do with the gothic cure head phase you went through????

  2. Oh yes, I used to hang out in the graveyard... and when I was a teenager I went to live in the basement.

  3. wow a basement.....gothic :-)

    When used to mitch off school I would go to the local graveyard with my friend, we'd sit on gravestones and smoke!

  4. I think art is easier to appreciate than create.

  5. I think art can sometimes be impossible to create unless you have the right surroundings. I can only write if I'm in certain places.

  6. I'm useless, I have never cottoned on to the whole beauty of the sunset and all that. I guess the cloest I came to admiring it was in Hawaii with a mai tai in one hand and a bit of traditional lu'au music going on in the background. Need to become more at one with nature I think.

  7. One of the things I wished for my daughter on her first birthday/welcoming ceremony sort of thingy was the ability to appreciate the beauty of nature. i wonder would the wrld be in less of a mess in more people were able to tap in to that?

