Saturday, February 23, 2008

Compliment or Complain? (aka the case of the hungry cabbie)

I'm sitting in the jacks of a pub last night staring at the ad on the door. Its for the Taxi Regulator. It gives email addresses and a phone number to contact them if you want to compliment, or complain about a taxi driver.

I wonder how many people compliment them?

"Yeah, is that the taxi regulator? Great. I just want to say fair play to me taxi driver last night. He was dead on and he let us stop for chips on the way home. Can you pass that onto him?"

A taxi driver told me a deadly story last week. He had collected a fare from town heading out to Ballymun. The couple looked a little bit suss but it was a quiet night and he needed the cash. They ask him to stop at a chipper along the way, and they both get out to buy their grub.

Grub purchased they head back into the taxi and up to Poppintree. They then realise they've no money, but they offer to run into the house and get some, and they leave the food in the taxi as insurance.


This taxi driver was so hungry (and these two customers had been pissing him off so much) that when the couple went into their house, he drove off at full speed till he got out of sight from the estate. Then he parked up and ate their food. He says it was delicious.


  1. That's hilarious. So stupidly funny. I mean it would have been cheaper for him to go off and buy chips but it's funnier that he stole them. You can imagine the couple coming out with the cash to find yer man and the chips gone.

    I did the run in for cash one time and got stung for a further 15 mins while the taxi driver filled in the rest of his life story; he even refused a new customer, I thought I was never gonna get away.

  2. I hate taxi drivers, people are always talkin about the nice cabbies they get - I was coming home one afternoon (granted, was in the previous nights attire as Iwas at a party) and I got a lecture about 'loose ways' and the disgrace for young folk today. Pfft.

