It's all fun and games ... til someone breaks into Atreus' chariot. Note to self: hide the expensive sat-nav system; don't leave it stuck up on the windshield calling out to all and sundry on the dark never-walked and apparently never-patrolled Fenian Street. Kind of a blunt ending do the evening, but the Garda who came were incredibly nice.
Even though none of us officially made it into the group of winners, I think all who attended had a great time. (Congrats to the girls at Beaut!). While PolkaDot may have been in pain from her heels (hell, she dressed up to the NINES---Fo(u)r Nines), we met a lot of bloggers for the first time!
Here's to the next thousand posts, all eloquent, all building up to next year's blog awards!
Love and kisses,
Atreus, typing on PolkaDot's computer :-)
Oh my god, I cannot believe your evening ended up like this.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear your car was broken into kinda ruins all the fun that was had on the night, its amazing you throw 400 people into a room and have no arguments fights etc etc then your leave the safety of the blogosphere to reenter the real world to go home to meet this, fuck those wankers for doing that.
Sorry to hear that, you're amazingly "alright" about it Atreus!
ReplyDeleteGreat night otherwise!
We're getting better. They took the GPS, and managed to damage the window housing, so it looks like we'll lose our no-claims :-(. And the kids got us up after 4 hours sleep (babe woke right after we got home at 1:15, stayed up til around 3.)
Did I mention how much I adore the coffee industry?
ReplyDeleteOh Jeez! Crappiness. I got home t two, fed the babay who'd apparently just had a feed 40 minutes before, he then slept til 5 and woke at six and seven but ultimately slept in til 8.40??
ReplyDeleteSo I had sort of six hours. My head is buzzing with creative possibility though, I must say I feel really inspired by last night. Great night, great people.
I dunno about the comparison of 400 people in a room, Shan - I didn't see any scumbag blogger representatives there last night.
Imagine a blog with petty crime tips, and details of recent thefts and muggings...
glat u all had a good night.so sorry to hear of your trouble atreus.sorry no winners but better luck next time i hope my boys behaved themselves.it was nice talking to u atreus dont forget to send the pictures
ReplyDeleteThanks a mill for your congrats - and sorry we didn't get to meet up last night! Next year!
ReplyDeleteWhat's the coffee industry thing??
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about the car Atreus. Good to catch up with you yest.
He's tired and running on caffeine. Read closely, woman!
ReplyDeleteGlad it was a good night, although bit of a disaster for some - our car has been broken into twice in Dublin in 3 years, I hate the feeling that some weirdo was sitting in the seat wrangling our the car stereo.
ReplyDeleteVoodoo, really? I guess we're kinda breakin virgins (as Atreus told Midge last night). Out of driving for 20 years, in LA and SF, never been broken into. Very violating. Or am I doing too much navel-gazing?
ReplyDeleteYOu still feeling violated guys.....I have to say from the texts Atreus was sending me last night I got the feeling you guys are a bit like those crash people....getting all excited over the broken glass....what did you do while waiting for the gardai????Hmmmm?
ReplyDeleteMidge! No, I was shivering too much...I didn't have a coat! And I was trying to figure out where I could sit so I could get eh shoes off...that didn't happen til we saw the sitter at the house. Ugh. Feet still ache, how do you do it?! Will post an update on the ins stuff soon.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about the vandalism. What a crappy end to end what sounds like a bloody fantastic night.
ReplyDeleteTo complete the thread: I brought our car home this afternoon fully repaired and looking no worse for wear. While psychologically scarred by the experience, she will only grow stronger from it. I found my way home just fine without the Garmin navigation system. [*]
ReplyDeleteKudos to the Garda, Axa insurance, and Crawford Motors in Dun Laoghaire for working hard, one and all, at making the whole process incredibly smooth and easy. (We kept our 5-year no-claims, yahoo!)
[*] A friend suggested we look at using the maps support in my Nokia N95 mobile phone. Hmm...we've already got a cable set up for the Aux sound to come out of the speakers. No nice easy touch screen to use when sitting at a red light, however. So maybe we'll use our handsfree sets (and MAP BOOKS) for a little while before doling out hundreds of Euros on a replacement.