Saturday, March 08, 2008

What a wierd week...

Whoa, it feels like I have been away for ages...

There is nothing worse than trying to settle back into work after a week away. I just cant seem to get it together. I feel like the holiday was about two years ago and work has been mental.

So I have been a lazy poster and missed loads. Coors is not a girlie drink by the way, I am simply watching my figure. Jo, I cant believe I missed your visit and no one said a feckin thing to me about it. Dickheads.

I was having one of my obligatory weird ponders the other day and wonder if anyone can shed some light for me.

When I was younger I used to love water parks, funderland and all those kinds of exhilarating dalliances. I had no fear of trying anything. On one of my trips to Switzerland we went to a water park. It was a good park with some great slides and was lots of fun. However for the first time ever I was extremely nervous going on them. In fact on one slide which is quite long and goes out doors and showers you with cold water part way down etc I nearly pulled out of the line. This struck me as being very weird at the time but it is only this week that I have thought more about it. Is it just the fact that I am a bit wiser, more aware of my own mortality. I am not sure, but am not best impressed. Maybe I need to do something mad to regain my courage.

This post has no question marks because the keyboard I am using does not have one...

Idiot the Yellow


  1. Idiot same thing happened to me 2 years ago. Went on a kid's funfair ride and hated every second. All of a sudden I had no faith in the mechanics of it all. I've been wussing it ever since. Back in the day I had no problem bungee jumping, couldn't go near it now.

    Btw, I think the Coors drinking is symptomatic of your growing wussness.

  2. Aw, Idiot, it's just ageing. I noticed it when I was in a park I used to go to as a child: I knew I was old for two reasons - one, my ass was too big to fit the swing, and two, I got seasick when I went really high. :(

  3. BTW don't call your colleagues dickheads, they did ask if I wanted to leave a message! And I said not to bother - though I'm disappointed not to have created a scandal :)

  4. Yeah same thing happened me about 7 years ago and can't hack rollercoasters any more, also discovered my fear of tall buildings but that probably stemmed from working in the construction industry.

    My mantra when getting on rollercoasters: "the lowest tenderer". Simply because of my fear that when the rollercoaster building job was tendered it probably went to the lowest bidder and therefore in my head the parts and workmanship are substandard and I'm going to plummet to my death when a few nuts, bolts and screws come loose. (And I don't mean in my head...)

  5. Healthy fear! Are you scared of being up tall buildings or of passing them in the street?

  6. Jo it's a fear of heights really so it's fear of being in a tall building. Visited la Defense in Paris and felt incredibly, massively, overwhelmingly ill standing in the centre of this yoke:

  7. Watching your figure Id *sigh* Are you being girliefied by being around so many women writers?

    As for regaining your courage a swift lep in the Liffey at lunch hour? :)

  8. You think THAT's what's girlified Idiot?

  9. Whoa there everyone with the girlifying.......

    SL just did a *sigh*. Thats way more girly.

