Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I did it!!!!

Hello All!

My very first post and I have nothing to say. The fact that I'm in work and hiding behind my computer while my boss mumbles to himself doesn't help but its a start. See told you I'd eventually do it! Now all I have to do is convince my computer at home to stop crashing on me every time I log on. Feel like I have lost my virginity all over again ( no chance of that). Well not exciting at all but give me a chance.


  1. Congratulations! May your writing set you free. ;-)

  2. Nothing like blogging ot hide from bosses!! Welcome!

  3. Go you! I'm most interested in reading the stuff from the newbies here so best of luck!

  4. Welcome along, as you can see from the posts up already our little group really is full of people with very differing views, which makes the cult idea very interesting wouldnt you agree mr living?

  5. Welcome, now we'll just need the deeds to your house in return for eternal salvation!

  6. And a promise of 1000 years of hard labour in our Lima bean fields.

  7. Damn I thought this was a virgin only group :(

  8. God no idiot, in fact now our leader...I mean moderator gets to marry us all!

  9. Feck I hope not thats all I need been there tried that have the the mental scares to prove it!

