Monday, March 24, 2008

The write stuff

It's taken a while. But don't all good things? The first letters in my writing project are done and ready for the post. A couple of people I knew and LBPs sent me their addresses and demanded to start a correspondence. I'm very pleased and I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. That picture is like letter writing burlesque, revealing only a teasing amount of detail. But I just about make out the middle one.

  2. btw, you know we passed by 1100 ages ago and noone copped. I'm going start waiting for 1234 next.

  3. Those uni-ball pens in blue are my favourite. I have one permanently attached to my pink filo fax for making lists!

    I took a photo for explanatory purposes:

    I'd love a letter. Will I send you one first?

  4. SL - I'd love to *write* a letter (can't remember the last time I did write one).

    If you're up for receiving one, send me the address you want the letter to (and I'll get to it asap...). You've got my mail address I believe.

  5. Ash and Dolly I'm thrilled you want to play along :) You both have e-mail. And totally with you on the Uniball Eye thing Ash, I've used dozens of them over the years and they're still my pen of preference.

