Monday, July 14, 2008

Blister in the Sun

A word of thanks to the 4nine£'s crew for allowing me into their debaucherous wee clan. Now I have to find some way to live up to previous posts.

This picture is a fairly accurate depiction of how I feel today. That's my curly head in the middle. Only add 15 years and a very red declotage (word dedicated to Milan).

Having just returned from a fabulous weekend at Oxygen I sit here licking my wounds. When will I learn? Red hair, fair skin and freckles do not do well in the sun!

I am still covered in mud, I look freakishly like Worzel Gummidge and I am hungry. However, my priorities dictate that I check my emails and update my blog before tending to any of the basic human needs.


  1. Hurray, Lottie!

    Perhaps we get so few commenters because others are scared of being enlisted!

    But I'm glad we're keeping up the tradition :)

  2. Oh shit another couple now writing on the blog, well you know what has happened to the other couples who were here Lottie, don't say I didnt warn you!!!

    Welcome all the same.

  3. @Shanachie - Hmm-good point. Well this may be the true test of our relationship.

  4. Excuse me Shan! As we all well know the 2 4nine£ break-ups were all entirely my fault and thus, any jinx is with me as a person and not relationships within the commune in general :)

    This now means there are two highly successful couples in the compound thank you young man. Maybe more if I can eventually bring Milan round to my way of thinking :)

  5. Oh, and welcome Lottie, of course :)

  6. Gee whizz take it handy there bad karma dude, how the hell am I meant to know all this karma had to do with you!!!

    /me makes raspberry at SL

  7. bad brain day, who are the 2 couples? We have one family, a few exes, but I can't think who are the couples.

    SL- are you doing some more virtual flirting or am I missing something subtle there too. Time for my leaba I think.

    Lottie - welcome to this mad world of 49£. Many a time in the last year I've thought that if I could go back to last summer and not take up SL's offer to sign up I would, but in the end I probably wouldn't change it. It's all madness.

  8. Welcome Lottie and glad to hear you've got your priorities sorted. Hope by now you've crawled in to the shower.

  9. Hi dolly. Just about made it into the shower before bed last night. Must say I am feeling very refreshed this morning.

  10. ok, me and Plasmonic, Darren and Lottie, then the two breakups were once Lottie or Darren don't date Someone they are ok. So as one half of the other couple Lottie I welcome you, just remember the whole baby thing....Look it's happened to me again, so I hope you didn't drink any of the water in my house!

  11. @MW- I fear the water pipes in your house may dispense tequila so I am staying well away!

  12. Mmmmmmmm...... Tequila....... Lottie you say that like it's a bad thing.

    Yes Milan, I thought I wasn't being so subtle. When are we going to be crowned king and queen of our virtual world anyway? *sigh*

  13. I think i may have an all time record for the lowest amount of posts... you've already bypassed me! :)

  14. My sunburn has begun to do that "sexy" peeling thing - only to reveal snow white skin below.

    Damn genes!

