I'm a big girl, size 18 and while feeding my little guy yesterday I saw a video on one of the music channels, it made my day!
I'm writing a post on my own blog about it, but here's the link to the video, it might make you smile!
Similar to an Orgy, but with bloggers instead! A Blorgy!
I’m not a great man for making potentially life-alerting decisions. The very thought of being in a position of having to chose Rice Krispies over Frosties or what pair of jeans to pull on in the morning is enough to send me for the Prozac and Anxiety Therapy CDs voiced by Weird Al Yankovic. Imagine the stress I’ve been forced to endure, if you will, over the past three weeks trying to decide the topic with which to pop my proverbial blogging cherry with. Folks I give you a small but possibly important list of the options….
A Northsider on the 46A
One man’s struggle to fit into a world with which he has no relation. Is it possible to reset Microsoft Word to English (Southside)? How many shades of fake tan are commercially available? Would everything of a latitude below the Liffey combust if Katie or Glenda weren’t in the papers? What’s the obsession with “mare”? Do these people live in some kind of false stud farm orientated reality?
Forget ticket prices, hooliganism or foreign ownership – fashionable footballers have really killed soccer.
Remember the days when grown men would discuss with other grown men the days when proper grown men played grown men’s football? You do? How wrong is it so that Thierry Henry’s new range of clothes with Tommy Hilfiger has eclipsed his moving to Barcelona and what it means for Arsenal and the position of English football. I won’t even start about David Ginola or Kevin Keegan’s Brut.
John O’Donoghue goes all Randle Patrick McMurphy on us.
More West LA than The West Wing, anyone want to open a book on the number of Dáil sessions until Richard Bruton is removing the Ceann Comhairle’s bell from Enda Kenny’s small intestine. It’s a reproduction from Lough Lene Castle you know…. the bell not Enda Kenny’s back passage.
Gordon Brown moves into No10
Who did the snag list? Will he change the locks, and will the image of Cherie walking around in her smalls ruin his sex life?
So many possibilities but in the end none of them enticing enough to sit in front of a computer for ten minutes and attempt to wax lyrical about…instead just hours away, my homage to a man who shaped Irish culture but has been discarded to the bargain bin of ridicule. Tomorrow My Night In The Company Of Brendan Bowyer…..
Why, oh why, are 99% of men's shirts either white, blue or blue and white stripy. This is my dry cleaner on Saturday as some stuke (without a ticket, of course) tried to describe the exact shade of blue and type of stripe his shirt had to the poor girl behind the counter.
I have a couple, it's true, but I've always resisted them in favour of what friends have called "flamingly homosexual" shirts. There's a thin line between that and "big fat party animal" you know.
Why is there an enormous queue here, in the St Stephen's Green Centre, for the only pay toilets I know of in the city? Is it the old "well it costs more so it must be superior" deal? Do they sell heroin in there on Saturdays? Is Justin Timberlake in town early looking to be serviced in cubicle number 4? Who can tell.
In 1971 they had bought 2 of these modern beasts. However because there was no guarantee they could run them all year round they were planning on leasing them in the winter to Trans Carribean Airways.
The interview they had with the guy in charge of Kennedy Airport asked him if there was going to be a repeat of the scandalous recent waiting times there of.... up to 2 hours!
In 1971 an American tourist could get 2 weeks in Ireland, flights, car hire and accomodation for? $290. For $500 you could be President.
US airlines still, at that stage, weren't allowed to fly directly into Dublin, only Shannon.
With regard to the new monster 747s members of the public had been expressing concern. Including one quote "it can't really be all that safe to have all that many people up there in the sky at the same time". They also expressed disbelief at the apparent free availability of fire.
Aer Lingus was the only airline on the world to have on air hostesses, no air stewards. Score one for the ladies!
And, in 1971, they were tring to quell American fears about the Troubles by suggesting it was "isolated to a few areas in the North".
Only 36 years ago gentle readers. What will life be like on our little island in 2043?